Alliance Group Homes
Stark County
Miller Holdings Alliance: 26 beds
BOM - Katrina Lenigar
Building #1 2720 Beechwood Ave. NE
Building #2 2718 Beechwood Ave. NE
Building #3 2716 Beechwood Ave. NE
Building #4 2714 Beechwood Ave. NE
Alliance, OH 44601
#1 Phone: 330-821-2660
Fax: 330-829-7044
#2 Phone: 330-821-2669
Fax: 330-829-7045
#3 Phone: 330-821-2758
Fax: 330-829-7046
#4 Phone: 330-821-2794
Fax: 330-829-7047
Charles Williams
Home Listing:
ICF with 30 beds divided between 4 homes. Each home has 7-8 individuals. We have been here since 2007 when the homes were newly constructed.
All the homes are one story and accessible. The yard is spacious and the small town setting is welcoming.
Each bedroom has a private bathroom/shower. Most bedrooms are single but there are two in each home that may be shared. Individuals are encouraged to decorate according to tastes. Furniture may be provided by the family, or we will provide basic bedroom sets.
We have a minimum of 2 staff on duty at all times except for midnights when 1 staff is on duty from 11pm-6am. We have an LPN on duty 24/7. They also assist the midnight staff as needed. We have 2 Team Leaders and 1 House Manager with many years experience and 2 QIDPs, one with many years experience working with behavioral issues.
We have a Behavior Consultant who assists with behavioral assessments. We have SLP, OT, and PT services provided as requested.
Our individuals attend Creative Learning Workshop in Louisville, Ohio. (4465 Louisville St. NE Canton, OH 44705. Phone: (330 546-0057). We are affiliated with the Stark County Board of DD.
The individuals help plan upcoming activities at house meetings.We have many who attend Special Olympics and many who enjoy attending monthly dances sponsored by the Stark County Board of DD.
Family members are encouraged to visit.
We also offer waiver services.
We will soon be offering Respite services to those who need temporary care.